Call a Licensed HealthTeam Advantage Sales Agent
8:00 am - 8:00 pm, 7 days a week
Meet & Greet for the Ms. Alamance County Senior Pageant
Triad Elder Abuse Walk
We kicked off a 4-part series at RCARE in Reidsville
Groovy Feet Chair Dancing
Tuesdays at 10 am (Except July 4th) Roy B. Culler Jr. Senior Center, 921 Eastchester Dr., Suite 1230, High Point. To register, call 336-883-3584.
Move and groove along with HealthTeam Advantage’s Wellness Coordinator, Savanna, to music you know and love from different genres, decades, and cultures! No dancing experience required. Wear your favorite dancing shoes!
Summer Health Fair
July 13 from 9 am to 2 pm Guilford Preparatory Academy, 2240 E. Cone Blvd., Greensboro
Get free health screenings and learn how to better manage your health at this event brought to you by HealthTeam Advantage. RSVP by emailing
Parkinson’s Prevention and Care through Diet and Exercise
July 18 at 11 am Roy B. Culler Jr. Senior Center, 921 Eastchester Dr., Suite 1230, High Point
Learn how diet and exercise can impact Parkinson’s disease in this free class. Part of our education series. To register, call 336-883-3584.
Improving Arthritis with Diet and Exercise
July 19 at noon Kernodle Senior Center, 1535 S. Mebane St., Burlington
Join us for this free class led by our wellness coordinator. Part of our education series. A light lunch is included. To register, call 336-290-7299.
Diabetes Education Series
July 19 at 2 pm Creative Aging Network, 2400 Summit Ave., Greensboro
Join us for this series on diabetes education, led by our registered dietitian. This free class is open to the public. Registration appreciated but not required. Please contact Jennifer (336-609-6856 or with any questions or to register.
Chronic Kidney Disease Management through Dietary Changes
July 25 at 11 am Randolph-Asheboro YMCA, 343 NC Hwy. 42 North, Asheboro
Our wellness coordinator and dietitian team up in this class about managing chronic kidney disease with dietary changes. Part of our education series. Registration is required; call 336-625-1976.
Immune Boosting Exercise
July 26 at 10 am Smith Active Adult Center, 2401 Fairview St., Greensboro
Learn exercises that can boost your immunity in this class led by our wellness coordinator. Part of our education series.
Mid-year Exercise and Diet Slump
In this video, our wellness coordinator will talk about the “Mid-year Exercise and Diet Slump.”
Cooking Demo
Let’s get cooking! Chef Rocky and Jennifer, our registered dietitian, will make chicken burgers and a cucumber and tomato salad.