Groovy Feet Chair Dancing

Tuesdays at 10 am Roy B. Culler Jr. Senior Center, 921 Eastchester Dr., Suite 1230, High Point

Move and groove with our wellness coordinator to music you know and love from different genres, decades, and cultures! No dancing experience required. To register, call 336-883-3584.

Improving Quality of Life through Exercise & Healthy Daily Habits

Nov. 10 at 11am Women’s Resource Center, 628 Summit Ave., Greensboro

Join our wellness coordinator to learn how daily exercise and improving lifestyle habits can help improve your overall quality of life as well as how to implement those healthy habits.

Controlling Diabetes with Diet and Exercise

Nov. 21 at 11am Roy B. Culler Jr. Senior Center, 921 Eastchester Dr., Suite 1230, High Point

Our health coach and wellness coordinator team up to explain how proper diet and exercise can help you manage diabetes. our wellness coordinator, Savanna, in learning how daily exercise and improving lifestyle habits can help improve your overall quality of life as well as how to implement those healthy habits.

Arthritis Prevention

Nov. 21 at 3 p.m. Burlington Housing Authority, 133 N. Ireland St., Burlington

Join our wellness coordinator to learn about arthritis and ways we can possibly prevent and improve symptoms through exercise and a healthy lifestyle.